Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday musings

This week has gone fast but the days seem to last forever. Its probably the cold. It has slowed everything down. I know I feel like I am moving in slow motion. Either that or its the let down from being so busy last week.

I should get busy and work on stuff for the upcoming events. We have the archery shoot this weekend down in Elk Point. Its pot luck so I need to think about what to bring. I should make those cookies I have been meaning to make. Not sure who all will be down for it. I have heard that Rachel and Tara will be home. I know Rue and Kaylee will be coming so that should be fun. I haven't seen them in ages. Not since Yule Tide.

Erin called me the other day to ask if I had heard the news. I told her I knew that Tara was pregnant. Turns out she is pregnant too and is due in late September / early October. Babies abound. Everyone is wondering if she will finally have a girl.

1 comment:

caillie said...

I can't make it to the Shoot. But I will be down for Hertzkreig. Save me a cookie!!!