Tuesday, November 20, 2007


TOC was a rousing success. I think there must have been at least 30-40 some fighters there. Maybe more. I didn't really count but it was nice to see such a large turn out. Everyone seemed to be having a great time teaching and/or learning.

I drove up by myself on Saturday morning. Its only a two hour drive to Mitchell and not like I needed to be there early. Felt really strange going to an event by myself. Its been awhile since I have done that.

Spent most of the day visiting, hanging out and watching some of the fighting. Tom made extra good onion pottage for lunch. I think it is the best he has ever made. So yummy. Late in the afternoon we had court and a round table chiv meeting. I think many positive things came out of this event.

After everyone got packed up and site cleaned up, a bunch of us headed off to Chef Louis Steak House. My steak was awesome but much bigger than I could finish. Not a big problem since Hagan was happy to finish it for me.

After that we went back to the hotel to relax and have fun. I spent some of the night opening beers for Steelbender since he had some trouble with the twist tops. ;-) We stayed up way to late and got up too early. Curse my internal clock. It was nice to get home early so I could nap on the couch the rest of the afternoon.

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