Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

The highlight of the Fall season is upon us. Lets rejoice, shall we? *tosses candy in air*

Huzzah to the best holiday ever. Which makes me a bit sad since it is the middle of the week and I am not doing anything special tonight. If I am lucky, Jessica will come over and we will eat the mystery Eastern European chocolates that Caillie sent me. (none of it has labels I can read so who knows what in there)

If not, I will probably continue the struggle against the disorder in my apato. Last night, the battle vs. clothes was a clear victory. Everything got put away, rearranged and items that need to go away have been bagged up for delivery to the civic council. Ta ta ta! I think I might actually be able to fit all my storage bins in my closet! I suppose it is a bit silly to get excited about such things but hey it makes me happy! Now if I could convince my retainers that they should do stuff for me in my mundane life. Then my evil plans would be complete!!

Have a good Halloween!!!!! Enjoy Homestarrunner's Halloween special!


Halloween - Glitter Graphics

Glitter Graphics for Orkut, Myspace, Friendster


Carlee said...

Happy late Halloween! Did you have any trick or treaters stop by your place? It seems that trick or treating has lost some popularity in the last 10 or so years....

caillie said...

Congrats on getting the clothes thing in order. The chocolates are russian and they totally have no description when you buy them that I could tell so I got a few of everything. You did say you enjoyed them right Queenie????