Monday, August 6, 2007

Humid and dreary days always bring me down

Would it be too much to ask if the moisture could come in liquid form instead of just hang there suspended in the air? I do not have gills and it makes it really hard to breath. Call me picky but I don't care. Meh summer weather is horrid. Bring forth the lovely cool days of Autumn.

August seems like the no man's land of time anyway just like the weeks after Christmas. Ehhh. I need to work on projects but the weather just sucks all the ambition away.

But besides the weather bringing me down, I had a pretty good weekend. I got some much needed rest, celebrated my Gram's 91st birthday and did a few chores.

I should do some sewing this week now that I got my foot petal for my sewing machine back.

Write to me this week, with everyone gone this week it is super boring.


rachel said...

it's been suprisingly humid here too. add the crazy rally people and the roar of motorcycles all day and night, and it makes for quite the loony bin. i can't wait to come home for a bit.

rachel said...

hey, do you wanna see stardust with me when i'm home?

MissDoom said...
