Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Boars Head

Boars Head was a lot of fun. Drove up to Sioux Falls on Friday morning. I had wanted to see if i could get my snow boot zipper fixed at Park Ridge Shoe Repair. They could and it would only cost 10 dollars. Score. Got to Svien's around noonish and we loaded up. We ended up taking two cars since no way we could fit Svien, Funk and Morton's fighter gear, and the rest of the stuff into one car. I guess if I would have had my van we could have all rode together. Sadly its was busy getting a new transmission. Merry Christmas to me. The trip out was uneventful and made it to Jondalara's around 10.

Saturday we were suppose to be up and out of the house by 7:30 since Jondalara was merchanting and needed to be there early. We didn't really leave the house until after eight. Got to site and helped her unload. After that I got dressed spent a lot of the day visiting with lots of people. I hung out with Siri watched the rose tourney. Hrodwyn won two for me. Roamed the merchants a bit with Kathy. Forgot to look for a Christmas present for my mom. Doh! Late afternoon I watched Gaia become Astrid's protege.

After Court we loaded up and went to Applebee's to eat. I was very hungry since I didn't eat much during the day. It was raining then and we were a bit worried it was going to freeze. It didn't. Yay. Went back to site since I rode with Jondalara and the boys were going a in Milwaukee hosted by a friend of Funk's. Jondalara and I went to the Comfort Inn and hung out His Highness, Gunther and Co.

Sunday people were slow to get going. We had a yummy breakfast and then headed out to pick Funk up. Wasn't until then that the boys realized we might have to drive through ick. I told them that we should be able to get to MN at least and no use staying in Milwaukee. So we left and it wasn't until we got to Blue Earth that it got crappy. Visibility was the big problem. Around Jackson I told Svien that I was willing to pay for a hotel room. He was determined to go on since the roads were mostly clear. Only snow pack was near bridges. I said okay at that point and continued to keep my eye on the white line. I was glad I wasn't driving. It was pretty crap but we made it back to SF around 10. I ended up staying at Svien's since i didn't want to drive home alone in the dangerous cold. Drove home on Monday. It was horrible cold but made it home no problem. We got some snow at home but it all ended up in the ditches and in my parking spot. Wasn't too happy with the job they did cleaning out our apato lot. Its snowing againg today so they get today to do better. Otherwise I am calling.

1 comment:

rachel said...

i'm sad that i haven't been to an SCA event in far too long. i glad you had fun though.