I am still a bit worn out from WW but we had a very good time. So here is what went down. Tuesday Hagan, Kaia and left town. We had a pretty uneventful trip up. We stopped in Jackson for supper and had giant pieces of streusel cake that was very tasty. mmmm streusel
We got to Nailz's apato about 10:30 or so. I was glad to get out of the car and relax.
Wednesday we got up and had breakfast/brunch at Baker's Square. Mission Status...mildly successful. We were just glad to have somewhere to eat on a holiday but the service was a bit poor. After that we bummed at the mall and went to see if the Source was open. They were not. Barry and Hagan wanted to go see Transformers but Nailz, Kaia, and I didn't feel like going. So the boys went to the movies and we went to B&N and I bought too much manga. After that we went back to the apato to chillax. The boys came back later that day and we went out to your usual 4th supper...Mongolian BBQ. That was very tasty. It had been a long time since I had been to Khan's. mmmm.
Thursday we got up and out of the Cities and headed to the WW site. We got there about noon. It was very nice to get there only after a two hour drive instead of seven. Found Royalty camp and got set up. Rue and Mouse showed up not too long after we did. I camped with them since they brought their huge family pavilion. I had my very own room. ;-)
Along with the royals there was the Gnome-world Encampment from Nordskogen. Needless to say there were gnomes all over the place. But they had a lovely shade fly and kept much appreciated ice in their water cooler.
Thursday night Dannr brought over the pieces to make my throne larger. It was much more than I expected but much appreciated. Now I have more of a royal bench. It is very nice.
In the evening we all went down to Camp Grey Fox for their Thursday Night Stoop night. The stoop and the company was very good. Astrid was kind enough to give Kaia and I a ride back to camp. Royalty camp was all the way on the other side of site and it was a long way. I was glad to not have to walk back.
Friday morning was the pancake breakfast. mmm pancakes. Very good. The nice thing about being royal is that someone gets your pancakes for you. After breakfast and getting dressed, Hagan and I met with the Autocrats for our Coronation. Plans are well in hand and it is going to be a rocking good time. I can't wait. After lunch we walked up the hill to the fighting and watched the children's tourney. That was a lot of fun and the kids seemed to have a good time. After that I had another meeting with our historical advisor's that are helping with our Irish coronation.
After supper it was time to hike back up the hill for the Bad Baronesses Torchlight Tourney. I got to drive up the hill this time because we needed the thrones and they were all in the back of my van.
The tourney was very fun and the Baronesses were very bad with their candy cigarettes and pomp-pomps etc. I was made an honorary Baroness for the evening and had three fighters fight for me, Svein, Mouse and Arbon. Sadly each of them lost in the first round. After the tourney people went out to parties but I went to bed since I knew that Saturday was going to be a big day.
Saturday morning we hiked up the hill yet again for the Baronesses Whim. Every year the Baroness from Nordskogen and Jara host the rapier tourney. This year they had an Alice in Wonderland theme and everything from the fighting to the food had little AiW touches, drink me bottles and eat me signs in the food, flamingo croquet mallets etc. You don't get to see much rapier melee in Western Northshield so that was new to me. The tourney was full of joy and silliness and I enjoyed it very much.
For lunch we went down to the Float the Heirs benefit and had a brat and a float. It was very hot on Saturday so it was nice to have some ice cream. After that we wandered back down to Camp Grey Fox for the Scribal get-together. I got to meet a few more scribes and see what they were up to. We stayed there for a little while until we wandered back to camp.
By the time we got back to camp I felt a bit sun fried crispy so it felt good to relax and put my feet in cold water.
By evening it was time to get ready for court and hike back up the hill again. Thankfully Katuso came along with the van and I got a ride up. I was glad of that because it was super hot then and I was a bit tired. Court was good and wasn't horribly long although I was super ready for something to eat once we got back to camp.
After super we were invited to listen to Svein's household record their newest CD. I enjoyed that very much and a bunch of us got to do some audience participation on it so I can't wait for the CD to come out. Then after that Nailz and I went to bardic where we got a pink flamingo from Don Mateo and Cassandra.
The stars were especially beautiful that night. Nailz and I had a good time star gazing.
So all and all, WW was a good time despite my sunburn, the heat and the humidity, rocky roads and the hikes up the hill.