Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Harry Potter Hysteria

I have held off my excitement for Harry Potter, mostly because I have been busy with SCA stuff, but now that it is almost July I can hardly wait!

Has anyone seen the boxed set that you can get? I would almost get it just for the box!

I am in a bit of a state about the last book since I will be at an event and won't have time to start reading like the rest of the world. I also haven't pre-ordered a copy yet and I can't decide if I should or not. Its not like you won't be able to find one. When the last book came out they were sold everywhere. If I don't pre-order it, I will be stopping somewhere on the way home to get a copy. Or sending one of the minions out to buy one.


Anonymous said...

Apparently lots of stores are offering discounts if you preorder the book. I'm going to a midnight party, but that's just to hang out with my friends. I'll wait until they're done, and borrow a copy.

Anonymous said...

That is one nice box set! I am waiting for the DVD special limited ultra gold collector's director's cut mega edition set.